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General Links

July 26, 2013
TSBI Links will provide access to a broad range of services and support organisations. In addition we will provide links to training and education opportunities, networking events, and businesses that can help you to succeed.
www.business.vic.gov.au  is a comprehensive online resource designed for small businesses to help start, run and grow your business.  The information available is extensive; the following are the most common requests:
Starting or buying a business
  •  Choose and register your business name
  •  Type of business
  •  Buy an existing business or start a franchise
 http://www.sba.ato.gov.au/ Small Business Assist is a new search and assist page from the Australian Tax Office.Have you got a business-related question? Small Business Assist allows you to interact with us quickly and easily online to help you save time and money.Type in your question and Small business assist quickly finds the right information from a range of websites.Small business assist will be progressively updated to include more tailored information and services including the ability to book a call or have an online chat with the ATO.
Starting a business – step by step guide
Are you ready to start, how to register a business, tax basics, commercialising a good idea, planning/building permits, franchising and solving disputes.
Finding the right licences
Use the Registration and Licence Finder to find all the licences you will need.
Managing and growing your business
In this section you’ll find a series of small business video interviews, articles and case studies.
Business and Marketing Plan
Find and download a range of free Business and Marketing tools including business plans, marketing strategies, financial guides and success stories. Over 80 information sheets and booklets on a variety of small business management subjects are available.
Financial Management
Links to financial planning tools and calculators such as book keeping and cash flow basics, debtor and credit management, profit analysis and calculating your break-even point.
Business Loan Finder
Compare loan options and connect to the lenders.
Employing and managing people
Tools to help with recruiting, staff planning, long service leave, record keeping, fair dismissal and more.
Find an Advisor
Find expert advice for you business. Search the Find an Advisor database to find an accountant, book-keeper, lawyer, marketing consultant and /or mentor for your business.
Solving disputes
Information about solving a dispute, complaint or problem.
Planning a business website
A template to make sure you develop a business website that attracts customers and is user-friendly.
Frequently asked questions on a range of business topics with a facility to ask your own questions.
Business Plans and checklists
A library of tools from various sources to assist with business planning and marketing planning.

Australian Small Business Commissioner

For access to information, assistance, advocacy within government and referral to dispute resolution services contact:

1300 650 460 enquiries@asbc.gov.au www.asbc.gov.au

Small Business Support Line

For an initial point of contact for your small business questions contact:

1800 777 275 sbsl@innovation.gov.au

The Small Business Credit Complaints Clearing House

The clearing house provides an avenue for small businesses to direct their issues about access to and the cost of bank finance. If you have a credit complaint, contact the Small Business Support Line or submit your complaint online.

AusIndustry Hotline

For AusIndustry grants and assistance programs available to help your business contact:

13 28 46 hotline@ausindustry.gov.au

Connect with Innovation

A support agent will connect you with the correct area within the Department of Industry, Innovation, Climate Change, Science, Research and Tertiary Education.

1800 024 095

Commercialisation Australia

If you’re a researcher, entrepreneur or innovative firm looking to convert your ideas into successful commercial ventures, contact:

13 22 56 ca@innovation.gov.au

Enterprise Connect

For support to develop the skills, tools and knowledge to improve competitiveness, productivity and to maximize growth potential contact:

13 17 91 enterpriseconnect@innovation.gov.au

Independent Contractors Hotline

Not sure whether you’re an independent contractor or an employee? Contact:

1300 667 850

If you need further contact information for Australian Government agencies, please refer to the Checklist companion.


Business.gov.au offers you simple and convenient access to all the government information, forms and services you need.


AusIndustry – delivers business programs and is a key source of information and referral over a range of business areas

Australian Business Account – a national service to better manage government-related licences, permits and registrations

Australian Business Licence and Information Service – helps to find the government licences, permits, approvals, registrations, codes of practice, standards and guidelines needed to meet your compliance responsibilities

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission – ensures that businesses comply with the Commonwealth competition, fair trading and consumer protection laws

Australian Taxation Office – manages tax, excise and superannuation systems that fund services for Australian businesses

Business Consultation website – provides opportunities for business owners or industry associations to have their say about government policy and regulation that may affect them or their business

business.gov.au – offers simple and convenient access to essential information on planning, starting and growing a business

business.gov.au Checklist Companion – contains a list of Australian, state and territory government agency contacts to assist when starting and growing a business

business.gov.au iPhone application – free access to essential business information and resources

Directory of government and business associations – lists contact details for federal, state, territory and local government agencies, and non-government associations that may be of assistance to businesses

Fair Work Ombudsman – a gateway to information and advice about Australia’s workplace rights and rules

National Broadband Network – high speed internet access solutions that could improve your business

Small Business Commissioners

New South Wales www.smallbusiness.nsw.gov.au/

South Australia www.sasbc.sa.gov.au/

Victoria www.sbc.vic.gov.au/

Western Australia www.smallbusiness.wa.gov.au
