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Successful business owners – what they have in common!

All  successful business owners I‘ve met has a few things in common Are you serious about being a success in YOUR business? Then take a leaf out of the book of those who are already successful. It’s amazing how the most successful business owners have the most time to live the life they choose. Seven common […]
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Business Management – Temperature or Thermostat?

Business Management – Temperature or Thermostat?

Successful business management often dictates we need to think a bit differently about the role we play in the business. A recent client described this well when he said ‘I’m the thermostat, I set the mood of everyone – whether good or bad’ Business management – what temperature you are setting! When it comes to business […]
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Business Management – Temperature or Thermostat?
5 great tools to save time and money!

5 great tools to save time and money!

Most business owners, particularly small business owners, share a common lack of time. Rarely do they have the opportunity to go searching for tools to save time and money! Tools that will increase their productivity – freeing them up to focus on what is important! Tools to save time and money! This brief article outlines […]
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5 great tools to save time and money!
Business Strategy – Know where you are!

Business Strategy – Know where you are!

How long has it been since you took a reality check about where you are in your business, whether the business strategy you have chosen is still appropriate – or even working? If you’re anything like most small business owners it’s probably been a while – so maybe this is a good time. Typically business […]
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Business Strategy – Know where you are!
Advertising – Why doesn’t mine work?

Advertising – Why doesn’t mine work?

Every year millions of dollars are spent on advertising yet quite frequently the message misses the market it is trying to address. This is why many clients I mentor in small business initially say that they view advertising as a big waste of money – sadly with good reason in many cases! To help develop […]
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Advertising – Why doesn’t mine work?

Great customer experience – people are the key!

People are at the core of business success and providing a great customer experience! I suspect when I talk about  people I’m talking about means customers. My question is why would you think people only relates to customers? No, this is not a dumb question and yes it’s obvious that all businesses require customers to […]
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Marketing returns to the 16th Century!

Marketing returns to the 16th Century!

Changes in the way we communicate, websites and Social Media are returning marketing to the 16th century! Take a quick look back through your history books to the 16th century. You’ll quickly recognise that most people lived in small villages and seldom made contact with people from outside. Obviously there was no electricity, telephones, public transport […]
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Marketing returns to the 16th Century!
Working from home – It’s great or is it?

Working from home – It’s great or is it?

Are you like me and almost 70% of Australian small business owners who share in the delight of working for themselves, being their own boss and working from home? Are you also like me in that it took a year of interruptions, frustrations and poor results to get the ‘working from home’ balance going properly? […]
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Working from home – It’s great or is it?

7 Tips for business success!

My 7 Tips for business success are based on 6 years working with over 1500 small business owners. I’ve heard a myriad of reasons about WHY people start a business but typically they boil down to one of 3 core reasons for embarking on one of life’s riskiest journeys. Reason 1 (the most popular one) – […]
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